Courses for PUPIL SERVICES PROFESSIONALS are those that best relate to the work of individuals serving in the Department of Pupil Services or as other non-teaching professionals. Topics often include student health and wellness, student mental and emotional health, school safety, and social and emotional skill development.
Course Description: In Shannon Olsen’s 5-book collection of read-aloud picture books, students of all ages can learn how to build community and collaboration while feeling safe, included, and loved. In this book collection discussion, participants will read (or watch a read-aloud of) all five books in the Classroom Community Collection:
Then, join your fellow educators on PEARL to discuss how these books can be used to build a sense of welcome and community among the students you teach. While these books are written for elementary grades, middle and high school educators can also use many of these to engage students in building relationships.
Course Completion Criteria: To complete this course, participants must:
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Jory John and Pete Oswald bring “charming and enduring text” and “bold, expressive illustrations” together in their series of books focused on foods and their behaviors. The Food Group series includes well-known, bestselling books including:
The Good Egg;
The Bad Seed;
The Cool Bean;
The Couch Potato;
The Smart Cookie; and
seasonal versions of these stories.
In this book discussion, participants explore applications for how these books can be used at all levels to promote social and emotional skill fluency and help prevent bullying during the learning process. Picture book are not just for the elementary kids anymore, so middle and high school educators should consider joining as well.
Participants must access and read at least three Food Group series books to participate in this course.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: In this asynchronous, online book study, participants will prepare for, read, and discuss Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Antiracist for a total of 15 Act 48 hours or a certificate to submit for 15 Chapter 14 hours (per district approval). The New York Times called this book “a groundbreaking approach to understanding and uprooting racism and inequality in our society—and in ourselves.”
During the Prereading activities, participants will learn about the book and author. Then, they will explore strategies for critical reading from their lens as an educator. Then they will engage in two activities i: one focused on identifying perspectives and another on applying this practice to students.
During the actual reading, participants should read the book critically and complete chapter-by-chapter reflection prompts throughout their reading journey (not just at the end) to help them remember key points in the text.
During the Postreading activities, participants will engage in forum-based dialogues about their reactions, learning, and applications for the material in the school setting. Participants will leave this session with knowledge and resources to apply what they read with students at any level.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 15 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
The hours breakdown is
10 hours for reading,
1.5 hours for pre-reading activities
2 hours for reflection prompts
1.5 hours for post-reading activitis
Total: 15 hours
Course Description: Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) are often under-represented in the standard K-12 curriculum, challenging educators to bring these important histories to students in other ways. Author and illustrator, Vashti Harrison, introduces readers to dozens of influential BIPOC figures in her series of Little Leader Books including:
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History;
Little Dreamers: Visionary Women Around the World; and
Little Legends: Exceptional Men in Black History.
Participants in this book series study must access and read either one entire book (40 histories) or any combination of 40 histories from all three books to participate in this course.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: The Questioneers by Andrea Beaty (author) and
David Roberts (illustrator) is a series of picture books and early-reader
chapter books written between 420 and 820 Lexiles. Each picture book introduces
a new ‘questioneer’ as they come to realize their own strengths including Ada
Twist (Scientist), Rosie Revere (Engineer), Iggy Peck (Architect), Sofia Valdez
(Future Prez), and Aaron Slater (Illustrator). The chapter books take their
stories deeper and allow students to follow the students as their growth
mindsets take them further into their passions. These books may be elementary
focused, but the lessons learned are valuable for learners at any level! In
this book discussion, you may read any 1 picture book and any 1 chapter book in
the series for a total of 2 books. These two books will require 2 ½ hours
of reading time with 2 hours of complementary PEARL-based content (1.5 hours for the discussion questions and 0.5 hours for reflection items) for a total of 4 ½ total hours of learning.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
The hours breakdown is 2.5 hours for reading,
1.5 hours for discussion activities
0.5 hours for reflection prompts.
Course Description: Children’s literature, including picture books, offer powerful tools to bring learning to students at all levels. In this book series discussion, readers will Kobi Yamada’s three award-winning, New York Times best-selling books as featured in the What You Do Matter boxset:
What Do You Do With An Idea?;
What Do You Do With A Chance?; and
What Do You Do With A Problem?
Each of these books offers a unique take on elements that students face daily and are growing to better understand presented through the combination of Mae Besom’s gorgeous illustration and Kobi Yamada’s unique take on symbolic narrative. The course will focus on parallels between these books and social and emotional skills development to facilitate a greater collective knowledge about how to engage students in critical self-reflection and self-management.
Participants must access and read all three Kobi Yamada books to participate in this course.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: When You Wonder, You’re Learning: Mister Rogers’ Enduring Lessons for Raising Creative, Curious, Caring Kids by Gregg Behr and Ryan Rydzewski shares the never-before-seen side of America’s favorite neighbor and Pennsylvania native, Mr. Rogers, in his essential work with the “tools for learning” in school, work, and life. “These tools can boost academic performance, social-emotional well-being, and even physical health. They cost almost nothing to develop, and they’re up to ten times more predictive of children’s success than test scores.” Perfect for educators at any point of their career, this book shares a fresh and human-centric approaches to learning for anyone who cares about children.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 10 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: In this course you will watch the 2022 documentary Divided Attention which focuses on the Chester Upland School District during the pandemic. Not only are these educators navigating the challenges of hybrid learning, but they are also trying to address the mental health concerns of their students. Specifically, the film highlights four students and their mindfulness teacher as they participate in activities to face the challenges of returning to the classroom and living in strenuous homes and neighborhoods. On top of this, district schools are under receivership and facing charterization. What can educators do to keep students in school and address their social emotional well-being? While Divided Attention was filmed during the pandemic, the topics addressed (e.g., SEL, school funding, and the school to prison pipeline) are still relevant today.
Following the documentary, participants will complete a written reflection activity and share ideas with PSEA colleagues in a discussion forum.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Join 2021 ASPP School Psychologist of the Year, Dr. Amber Sessoms, Ed.D. for a session on concrete strategies to combat racially insensitive practices or behaviors, while avoiding potential backlash within the school environment.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: This presentation, taken from a live PSEA Center for Professional Learning Webinar broadcast session on September, 21, 2021 is rooted in relational equity and culturally responsive social emotional learning. Participants will learn about the importance of building authentic relationships with students, families, and staff members and how these essential relationships impact student success, resiliency, and hope. They will learn how relationships are the core to beginning the work of SEL, and once secure relationships are established, SEL tools can be incorporated.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Explore the PDE Frameworks for Observation and Practice as updated in Summer 2021 as tools for continuous improvement in this informative and interactive workshop. Educators will begin by learning about the Continuous Self-Improvement process and related tools followed by and introduction to the Frameworks. Then, educators will dive into a role-specific exploration of the frameworks with a focus on self-evaluation and then self-reflection. These processes will be focused on elements to inform pre-conferences for and to allow educators to engage in a self improvement process using the continuous improvement tools discussed in the first half of the class. Together, each element empowers educators to elevate their skills and better serve students.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and a certificate.
Course Description: This course reviews the mandatory reporting obligations that school employees have under the Child Protective Services Law and the Educator Discipline Act. Learners will also learn about the procedure for filing reports and will consider various hypothetical scenarios in determining whether a report would be required.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1 HOUR of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: In this online course, participants will gain a surface level understanding of the tools for use with Act 13’s revised Educator Effectiveness Evaluation System. The first part of the course explores the Student Performance Measures templates, which PDE issued as optional tools to assist LEAs for the documentation of LEA-Selected Measures and IEP Goals Progress data. The second part of the course reviews the revised Danielson Frameworks as issued by PDE in Summer 2021. The third and final part of the course engages participants in a self-led reflection on how each new tool can help them inform their professional practice in the coming school year.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course will be eligible to recieve 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 credit and/or a certificate for Chapter 14 hours. Chapter 14 acceptance is at the full discretion of your employer.
Course Description: Anxiety disorders are associated with substantial impairment and comorbidity, and often present vexing problems to even the most experienced clinicians. This pre-recorded webinar addresses the rationale and implementation of the empirically supported cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatments for anxiety in adults, adolescents, and children. Evidence for the conceptual model and the treatments are presented, with strong emphasis placed throughout on the “how-to” of CBT implementation. Detailed examples are provided of the verbal interplay that often arises in the implementation of CBT with patients who have anxiety disorders.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: This presentation provides an overview of Diabetes in school-age children and speaks to the emotional toll this diagnosis has on students.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Are you a school psychologist who would like to learn more about effective assessment practices to identify students’ mathematical strengths and needs? Would you like to explore evidence-based interventions you can provide, or support teachers in providing, to help students master essential mathematics skills? This pre-recorded webinar session highlights the link between assessment and intervention and also demonstrates how to access several free, evidence-based mathematics interventions.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: This course presents current data associated with the use of medical marijuana. Dr. Roussel identifies several important points school professionals need to know about the topics of medical vs. recreational use, conditions treated, side effects, risks, impact on learning, current laws and access for certified patients.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Learn about the work of Mission Kids, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization providing multidisciplinary care to alleged victims of sexual and physical abuse. Mission Kids joins a nationwide network of child-focused care facilities designed in accordance with standards established by the National Children’s Alliance and the U.S. Department of Justice. Their ultimate goal is to provide a broad range of support services to child victims and their caregivers in an environment that encourages healing and facilitates better prosecution of alleged offenders. Mission Kids staff also review important dynamics of child abuse for educators to recognize.
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.
Course Description: Panel discussion of health and psychological issues associated with Lyme disease (behavioral, social, neurological, etc), as well as: what to look for when grades are impacted, case studies from Dr. Greenberg’s previous experience, IEP 504 considerations, tracking chronic conditions (beyond initial bite/antibiotics and how can this impact a student later).
Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.