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Pupil Services Professionals

Courses tagged with "Pupil Services Professionals"

Journaling to Promote Wellness
SEL & Wellness
Preview Course

Journaling to Promote Wellness

Course Description: This course explores the human wish to record and journal and the evidence based benefits of journaling to promote wellness.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1 HOUR of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1 Hour

The Joy of Laughter Wellness
SEL & Wellness
Preview Course

The Joy of Laughter Wellness

Course Description: This course explores the health and wellness benefits of laughter. The presentation provides scientifically based evidence of the benefits of laughter to promote happiness and and the brains response to stimulation.

Course Hours:
Members who complete this course receive 1 HOUR of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1 Hour

Connection Before Curriculum
SEL & Wellness
Preview Course

Connection Before Curriculum

Course Description: Explore research-based programs that you can use yourself or with your students to set the tone of the classroom. The idea will roughly follow Maslow's idea that we need to all feel safe to be in the proper mindset to teach and learn.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hour

  • 2 Hours