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Domain 4

Courses tagged with "Domain 4"

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
Book Studies
Preview Course

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

Course Description: In this asynchronous, online book study, participants will prepare for, read, and discuss Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Antiracist for a total of 15 Act 48 hours or a certificate to submit for 15 Chapter 14 hours (per district approval). The New York Times called this book “a groundbreaking approach to understanding and uprooting racism and inequality in our society—and in ourselves.” During the Prereading activities, participants will learn about the book and author. Then, they will explore strategies for critical reading from their lens as an educator. Then they will engage in two activities i: one focused on identifying perspectives and another on applying this practice to students.  During the actual reading, participants should read the book critically and complete chapter-by-chapter reflection prompts throughout their reading journey (not just at the end) to help them remember key points in the text. During the Postreading activities, participants will engage in forum-based dialogues about their reactions, learning, and applications for the material in the school setting. Participants will leave this session with knowledge and resources to apply what they read with students at any level.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 15 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours. The hours breakdown is 10 hours for reading, 1.5 hours for pre-reading activities 2 hours for reflection prompts 1.5 hours for post-reading activitis Total: 15 hours

  • 15 Hours

The Questioneers Book Study
Book Studies
Preview Course

The Questioneers Book Study

Course Description: The Questioneers by Andrea Beaty (author) and David Roberts (illustrator) is a series of picture books and early-reader chapter books written between 420 and 820 Lexiles. Each picture book introduces a new ‘questioneer’ as they come to realize their own strengths including Ada Twist (Scientist), Rosie Revere (Engineer), Iggy Peck (Architect), Sofia Valdez (Future Prez), and Aaron Slater (Illustrator). The chapter books take their stories deeper and allow students to follow the students as their growth mindsets take them further into their passions. These books may be elementary focused, but the lessons learned are valuable for learners at any level! In this book discussion, you may read any 1 picture book and any 1 chapter book in the series for a total of 2 books. These two books will require 2 ½ hours of reading time with 2 hours of complementary PEARL-based content (1.5 hours for the discussion questions and 0.5 hours for reflection items) for a total of 4 ½ total hours of learning.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 4.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours. The hours breakdown is 2.5 hours for reading, 1.5 hours for discussion activities 0.5 hours for reflection prompts.

  • 4.5 Hours

NEA's Equity and Challenges for Remote Learning
Educational Equity
Preview Course

NEA's Equity and Challenges for Remote Learning

Course Description: This is a NEA developed course that focuses on how to keep equity at the forefront during COVID-19 school closures. Participants learn about the digital divide and how it impacts students. The course helps educators understand the components of the digital divide, along with the supports and strategies necessary to assist students who experience it, implement a variety of teaching and learning digital resources with students, and consider other issues students may be facing outside of academics, and their impact on students.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 3 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 3 Hours

Social-Emotional Equitable Learning
Educational Equity
Preview Course

Social-Emotional Equitable Learning

Course Description: This presentation, taken from a live PSEA Center for Professional Learning Webinar broadcast session on September, 21, 2021 is rooted in relational equity and culturally responsive social emotional learning. Participants will learn about the importance of building authentic relationships with students, families, and staff members and how these essential relationships impact student success, resiliency, and hope. They will learn how relationships are the core to beginning the work of SEL, and once secure relationships are established, SEL tools can be incorporated.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

Resisting Backlash: Recognizing & Disrupting Harmful Discourse
Educational Equity
Preview Course

Resisting Backlash: Recognizing & Disrupting Harmful Discourse

Course Description: Join 2021 ASPP School Psychologist of the Year, Dr. Amber Sessoms, Ed.D. for a session on concrete strategies to combat racially insensitive practices or behaviors, while avoiding potential backlash within the school environment.

Course Hours:
Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1.5 Hours

Continuous Improvement: Using the Observation Frameworks to Up Your Ed Skills!
Preview Course

Continuous Improvement: Using the Observation Frameworks to Up Your Ed Skills!

Course Description: Explore the PDE Frameworks for Observation and Practice as updated in Summer 2021 as tools for continuous improvement in this informative and interactive workshop. Educators will begin by learning about the Continuous Self-Improvement process and related tools followed by and introduction to the Frameworks. Then, educators will dive into a role-specific exploration of the frameworks with a focus on self-evaluation and then self-reflection. These processes will be focused on elements to inform pre-conferences for and to allow educators to engage in a self improvement process using the continuous improvement tools discussed in the first half of the class. Together, each element empowers educators to elevate their skills and better serve students. 

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and a certificate.

  • 2 Hours

Educator Evaluation: Navigating the Policy

This course is temporarily inactivated for updating and will be relaunched in September 2024.

Fall 2021 Professional Issues Session
Former title: Educator Evaluation in 2021 and Beyond

Course Description: This course reviews updates to the Educator Effectiveness System that began at the start of the 2021-22 school year through Act 13 of 2020 and the Chapter 19 regulations. All PSEA members are welcome to attend this webinar; however, only EA members who have not previously taken this course are eligible for Act 48 credit. 

Course Hours: Members who complete this course will be eligible to recieve 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 credit and/or a certificate for Chapter 14 hours. Chapter 14 acceptance is at the full discretion of your employer.
  • 1.5 Hours

Mandatory Reporting Obligations of School Employees under the Child Protective Services Law and the Educator Discipline Act

Course Description: This course reviews the mandatory reporting obligations that school employees have under the Child Protective Services Law and the Educator Discipline Act. Learners will also learn about the procedure for filing reports and will consider various hypothetical scenarios in determining whether a report would be required.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1 HOUR of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1 Hour

Touching on the Tools of Act 13 - SPM Templates and Revised Frameworks

Course Description: In this online course, participants will gain a surface level understanding of the tools for use with Act 13’s revised Educator Effectiveness Evaluation System. The first part of the course explores the Student Performance Measures templates, which PDE issued as optional tools to assist LEAs for the documentation of LEA-Selected Measures and IEP Goals Progress data. The second part of the course reviews the revised Danielson Frameworks as issued by PDE in Summer 2021. The third and final part of the course engages participants in a self-led reflection on how each new tool can help them inform their professional practice in the coming school year.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course will be eligible to recieve 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 credit and/or a certificate for Chapter 14 hours. Chapter 14 acceptance is at the full discretion of your employer.

  • 1.5 Hours

Medical Marijuana: Know the Facts
Pupil Services
Preview Course

Medical Marijuana: Know the Facts

Course Description: This course presents current data associated with the use of medical marijuana. Dr. Roussel identifies several important points school professionals need to know about the topics of medical vs. recreational use, conditions treated, side effects, risks, impact on learning, current laws and access for certified patients.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

Mission Kids 101: The Dynamics of Child Abuse
Pupil Services
Preview Course

Mission Kids 101: The Dynamics of Child Abuse

Course Description: Learn about the work of Mission Kids, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization providing multidisciplinary care to alleged victims of sexual and physical abuse. Mission Kids joins a nationwide network of child-focused care facilities designed in accordance with standards established by the National Children’s Alliance and the U.S. Department of Justice. Their ultimate goal is to provide a broad range of support services to child victims and their caregivers in an environment that encourages healing and facilitates better prosecution of alleged offenders. Mission Kids staff also review important dynamics of child abuse for educators to recognize.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1.5 Hours

The Science of Concussions in the Classroom
Pupil Services
Preview Course

The Science of Concussions in the Classroom

Course Description: Information regarding the implementation of programs for students who experience brain trauma and concussion is by presenter, Roni Robinson, MSN, RN, CRNP  (coordinator of the Trauma/Concussion program at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)).  Strategies for school staff as well as Concussion Management Teams are shared in order to support students and families to achieve the best possible outcomes for recovery.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1.5 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1.5 Hours

Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vaping: Prevention and Treatment
Pupil Services
Preview Course

Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vaping: Prevention and Treatment

Course Description: Nicotine products have changed, but many of the industry tactics to encourage new tobacco users to start have not. Participants learn about the different tobacco and nicotine products, health impacts, and how the vaping epidemic transpired. Participants also learn about programs, resources, and strategies to prevent vaping and help young people and adults to quit. Presented by Sean McCormick, PhD, MS, Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist-Master. Sean McCormick is a public health practitioner and researcher with expertise in tobacco dependence treatment, behavioral sciences, and chronic disease management. Dr. McCormick has designed, implemented, and evaluated public health programs in government, hospitals, research clinics, community sites, and advocacy settings. Dr. McCormick held positions at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Temple University, Drexel University, East Stroudsburg University, Pennsylvania’s Clean Air Council, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is currently the Assistant Director for Health Promotion Council’s Tobacco Control and Prevention Services where he oversees the Southeastern Pennsylvania Tobacco Control Project and statewide improvements in tobacco control.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 hours of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

Be Prepared: Effective and Efficient IEPs
Special Populations
Preview Course

Be Prepared: Effective and Efficient IEPs

Course Description: This course provides regular and special educators information on creating Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that consider student needs using effective and efficient strategies to create a beneficial plan.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 1 HOUR of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1 Hour

Managing Behaviors in Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Special Populations
Preview Course

Managing Behaviors in Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Course Description: This course is designed for special education paraprofessionals. It introduces concepts of applied behavior analysis and describes key strategies for implementation. Common behaviors associated with Autism and developmental disabilities include tantrums, noncompliance, aggression, and self-injury. These behaviors can interfere with everyday activities and learning. This course introduces several strategies to help students alter behaviors that are based on concepts related to Applied Behavior Analysis. 

Course Hours: Participants who complete this course will receive a certificate that can be submitted to their employer for 1 hour of Chapter 14 learning. Please note that employers have sole authority to determine what qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 1 Hour

Can you Hear Us Now?  Using Podcasts to Teach and Entertain
Technology in Education
Preview Course

Can you Hear Us Now? Using Podcasts to Teach and Entertain

Course Description: Creating and producing your own podcast can be both effective and rewarding. Podcasts provide an easy and unique way to convey information, as well as engage your student audience with supplemental material that the time in a typical class period would not permit. Podcasts can be easy and fun to make, enjoyable for your audience, and can be accessed at any time! Learn more about the benefits to creating your own educational podcast, as well as the logistics behind developing your own podcast!

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

NEA's Digital Tools for Collaboration & Communication
Technology in Education
Preview Course

NEA's Digital Tools for Collaboration & Communication

Course Description: This course guides educators through the many options for online collaboration and communication with students, families, and colleagues, showcasing tools that can be used to ease the communication process between school and home in the event of remote learning. Participants develop options for online collaboration and communication with students, families, and colleagues, learn how digital tools can be used to ease the communication process between school and home in the event of remote learning, and become aware of the basics of available online platforms to collaborate and communicate online, including virtual meetings, messaging, screencasts, structural platforms, appointment and content creation tools.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 3 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 3 Hours

Seesaw for Beginners: Just the Basics
Technology in Education
Preview Course

Seesaw for Beginners: Just the Basics

Course Description: Practice Seesaw skills in this interactive session as your students might! In this course you learn the basics of how Seesaw works for student and family engagement and discover why teachers, students, and families love Seesaw! Then you discover how to find, remix, and assign activities from the Seesaw activity library and send student and family communications using Seesaw.

Course Hours:
Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

Advanced Seesaw: Becoming a Seesaw Master
Technology in Education
Preview Course

Advanced Seesaw: Becoming a Seesaw Master

Course Description: Take a deeper dive into the many features of Seesaw. Learn how to create your own custom Seesaw Activities and discover how Seesaw's built-in features like folders, skills, and blogs can help streamline the assessment and feedback processes, whether at home or in the classroom. This session is perfect for educators who have attended our Beginning Seesaw session or have been using Seesaw and want to learn more. 

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 2 Hours

NEA's Seesaw Basics
Technology in Education
Preview Course

NEA's Seesaw Basics

Course Description: In this NEA developed course you learn to create your own custom Seesaw activities and discover how Seesaw's built-in features—like folders, skills, and blogs—can help streamline the assessment and feedback processes.

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 3 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

  • 3 Hours