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FlipGrid: What is it and how do I use it in my practice?
Technology in Education
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Technology in Education

FlipGrid: What is it and how do I use it in my practice?

Course Description: In this session, captured from a live PSEA CPL Braodcast on Oct 15, 2020, participants are introduced to FlipGrid and learn about its latest features and get tips, strategies, and expert techniques for incorporating it into your practice, both virtually and in-person. Flipgrid is a phenomenal tool for educators to use with students in group work as well as with multiple topics to conduct project-based learning opportunities, even with crossover from multiple groups! Additionally, participants learn how to use it to jigsaw lessons and streamline topic responses from students as well as explore the use of Flipgrid as live journals and the new beta for screen sharing in this fun and engaging PSEA CPL session!

Course Hours: Members who complete this course receive 2 HOURS of Act 48 and/or a certificate that may apply for Chapter 14 hours. Your employer has sole discretion to determine if this course qualifies for Chapter 14 hours.

Self enrollment (Student)